Myschool guhsdaz org
Myschool guhsdaz org

myschool guhsdaz org

It is important to note that I was not even used to the quarter system, so my big schedule change was also a challenge I had to overcome. My grades kept going lower and lower, especially since I had three AP courses as well as an honors math course in one quarter. Working at home was a great obstacle I had to work around, especially because I have to share a room with my three sisters as a low income student and was struggling to even find a quiet environment to do my schoolwork, let alone find the time to do so. I have a big family, and coming from a Chaldean family, I was always busy at home. With everything going on around me, I found it really hard to focus on my schoolwork. It was so frustrating to finish assignments before the due dates and setting up an action plan at home to keep my grades up. Not only was I struggling with getting the work done, I was also not in the right mindset or environment to study and complete my tasks as a student. Initially, there were lots of academic challenges I had during the pandemic. However, although there were many challenges and struggles that came with COVID-19, there were also gains. Personally, I had to overcome challenges academically since online school was extremely difficult, physically since my health was deteriorating as my weight increased, and mentally, since my mental health was worsening as well.

myschool guhsdaz org

When the COVID-19 pandemic broke out in the United States, it was a struggle for everyone, and only the people who overcame their struggles came out of it stronger than ever. We get to choose our life and shape it the way we want, despite our struggles, and if we do that right, we develop our strengths. What is interesting though is that we get to pick the way we react. We get rewarded by some, and we get challenged by others. Throughout our lifetime, we pass through so many different situations, some that make us smile and others that make us cry. “The struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.” Photo Credit: San Diego County News Center

Myschool guhsdaz org